For example:
- ...Books . Somers, Margaret, and Gloria Gibson 1994 Reclaiming the epistemological...not fabricated
at will (Somers and Gibson 1994) but are `cut from the same...Association Books. Somers,
Margaret and GloriaGibson 1994 `Reclaiming the epistemological...Check Item - ...Science 185: 1115-1123 . Somers, Margaret, and Gloria Gibson (1994) Reclaiming the
Epistemological Other: Narrative...Prospects', Science 185: 111523. Somers, Margaret and
Gloria Gibson (1994) `Reclaiming the Epistemological Other: Narrative...Check Item - ...forthcoming). Somers, Margaret R. and Gibson, Gloria D. (1995) 'Reclaiming the Epistemological...
historically-biased (Somers and Gibson, 1995) epistemologies, and regimes...forthcoming)...Check Item - Theory and Society 23: 605-649. Somers, Margaret R. and Gloria D. Gibson. 1994. "Reclaiming the Epistemological
'Other': Narrative...Check Item - G.A. Rodopi. Somers, Margaret and Gloria Gibson (1994) 'Reclaiming the Epistemological...1991: 14). Regarding
Somers and Gibson (1994), narrative makes it possible...Check Item - ...Block. 2005. Two hundred years of welfare debate . American Sociological Review 70:260-88.
Somers, Margaret and Gloria Gibson. 1994. Reclaiming the epistemological "other":
Narrative and the social constitution of identity. In Social theory and...Check Item - ...January/February, pp. 26-36. Connell, Cathleen M and Gloria D. Gibson. 1997. "Racial,
Ethnic, and Cultural Differences in Dementia...Journal of Aging and Health 5:179-193. Kuhlman,
Gloria J., Holly S. Wilson, Sally A. Hutchinson, and Margaret...Check Item - ...scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. We gratefully acknowledge the
contributions of Mary Gallant, Gloria Gibson, Carolyn Lindgren, and Linda Wray RESEARCH ON AGING, Vol. 26 No. 5,
September 2004 531-558 DOI: 10.1177/0164027504266560...Check Item - ...Political Culture in the Transition to Democracy,'American Sociological Review 58: 587-620. Somers, Margaret R.and Gloria Gibson (1994) `Reclaiming the Epistemological : Narrativeand the Social Constitution of Identity', in Craig Calhoun (ed...
- ... which David Carr, Alasdair MacIntrye, Margaret Somers - Cached
Gloria Gibson, among ... The tag cloud shows attributes that are most often connected to Gloria Gibson. - The 50 Most-Frequently Cited Articles ... Cathleen
Connell, Gloria D. Gibson: Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Differences in ...reports/mfc_all_6.dtl - Cached The focus on caregiving networks, rather than social networks, is an important
Gibson, Gloria. "Social Support Satisfaction & Physical Health Perceptions Among Older ...index.html - Cached Caregiving Advice ... Gloria Gibson Reports On Test Controversy; Beantown Sports;
Jack Hynes Reports On Marathon ...detail.html - Cached Social Support Satisfaction and Physical Health Perceptions Among Older Dementia Caregivers Gloria D. Gibson,
Stress and Health Research Center, University of ...
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PAA Sessions on the Demography of Aging
The 1998 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA) will be held at The Hyatt Regency in Chicago, Illinois, from April 2-4, 1998. A number of the papers and posters to be presented will deal with demographic aspects of aging.The upcoming Spring issue of "NOAH- News on Aging at Hopkins" will highlight these particular sessions, which are listed below. As you will note, a number of these sessions overlap.POPULATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 1998 MEETING: SESSIONS ON THE DEMOGRAPHY OF AGING
SESSION 20 (4/2, 10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.) on: FAMILY ORGANIZATION, INTERGENERATIONAL TRANSFERS, AND FAMILY OUTCOMES (Chair: Linda J. Waite, University of Chicago; Discussant: Kathleen A. Cagney, NORC and University of Chicago)
"Inheritances, Bequests, and Expectations of Long-Term Care in AHEAD Survey" - Gloria D. Gibson, Johns Hopkins University."Long-Term Care and Nursing Home Coverage: Are Adult Children Substitutes for Insurance?" - Jennifer M. Mellor, Yale University."The Dynamics of Monetary Transfers to Assist Parents: How Persistent Are Middle-Aged Donors?" - Rebeca Wong, Johns Hopkins University; Chiara Capoferro, Georgetown University; Beth Soldo, Georgetown University."Ties That Bind: Marital History, Kinship Ties, and Social Support Among Older Americans" - Sara R. Curran, Princeton University; Sara McLanahan, Princeton University; Jean Knab, Princeton University.