Monday, June 27, 2016
The former DC Congressman - WALTER E. FAUNTROY - was booked at 12:30pm today (6/27/2016) after a non-stop flight from Dubai to Dulles Airport in Virginia. According to The Washington Post, the Prince Georges County Bench Warrant for his arrest was REISSUED this morning. After clearing Customs, the legendary Civil Rights Activist was "singled out" by Homeland Security, arrested, and taken to the Loudoun County Detention Center in Virginia.
Since the newspaper says Walter Fauntroy didn't post bond... there the once historic minister sits. That means his much anticipated reunion with his wife and children has been delayed. But that's not going to last long since he is likely to be extradited to Maryland soon. Surprisingly, his long-time attorney, Johnny Barnes, told the The Washington Post that an arrest had not been anticipated. Really??? What did Barnes think would happen after Fauntroy publicly announced he was finally coming back from the Middle East after fleeing in 2012 to avoid arrest.
Even I could see the handwriting on the proverbial wall of justice when I posted news of Reverend Fauntroy's return yesterday. It certainly makes sense that those who were left holding a bounced $55,000 check for four years, might want him arrested immediately. It would take a real shift in reality for those who are due money to support Walter Fauntroy's wish to first have some intimate time with his family upon his arrival. Talk about delusional thinking after four years of warrant dodging.
So let's hope that while the former Civil Rights Activist sits in jail that his family and lawyers will quickly request a MENTAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT for him. If he has Schizophrenia, as I suspect he does, he needs immediate medical/psychological attention.
If family and friends can show that Walter Fauntroy has been mentally challenged or experiencing cognitive deterioration for years, that may at least get him moved out of the General Jail Population and into the smaller more segregated unit for those with behavioral health issues. In the meantime, given Walter Fauntroy's biblical background, he would do well to remember that after the trial and the cross, came the RESURRECTION! In other words... it's not over yet but atonement is a process. It's a miracle Walter Fauntroy was finally able to push fear out of the way and replace it with love for his baby grandson and others. May the healing of everyone... now begin. Welcome home, Pastor!
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